Data protection

General information

The protection of your personal data is of central importance to the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism (hereinafter National Fund). Your data is processed exclusively on the basis of the current data protection regulations, in particular the GDPR.

In the following, we would like to inform you about what data we process for which purposes and the rights to which you are entitled in this context:

Your personal data will be used to carry out tasks of the National Fund that are anchored in law. In addition, your data will be forwarded to order processors commissioned by us (in particular postal service providers and the Federal Accounting Agency) if they require the data to fulfil their orders. All order processors are obliged to treat your data confidentially and to process it only in the context of the service provided.

According to the data protection regulations, you as the data subject have extensive rights. These rights are primarily intended to ensure greater transparency in relation to your data. Your rights as a data subject are the right to information about the personal data concerning you, to correction and, if necessary, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability and objection to the processing of personal data concerning you (Art. 15 to 21 GDPR), provided this does not conflict with any legal obligations.

If you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your personal data, please contact us:

Contact details of the responsible organisation:
National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism
1017 Vienna

Contact details of our data protection officer:
Mag. Sonja Öhler

In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority regarding the processing of your personal data:

Austrian Data Protection Authority
Barichgasse 40-42
1030 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 52 152-0

Entries for the Simon Wiesenthal Prize

The personal data contained in the entry documents are required for the processing of the respective entry (and thus for the performance of the tasks of the National Fund) and will only be used for this purpose. The data will not be passed on to third parties and will be kept for documentation purposes.

The publication of personal data of the prizewinners is necessary to meet the legal obligation pursuant to § 2e (7) of the Federal Law on the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism.

With regard to personal data, applicants generally have the rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability and objection (Art. 15 to 21 GDPR).

Where the lawfulness of data processing is based on the consent of the candidates, they have the right to revoke their consent at any time. The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that took place on the basis of their consent up to the time of the revocation (Art. 7 (3) GDPR).

Extraordinary gesture payments

Purpose of data processing: disbursement of the extraordinary gesture payment; documentation and archiving purposes according to Art 5 (1) lit e of the GDPR.

Storage period: indefinite.

Legal basis: Council of Ministers Decision MRV 70/15 of 20 September 2023 and Sec. 2 (1) in conjunction with Sec. 7a of the Federal Law on the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism as amended (National Fund Law).

Data subject to processing: data provided in the form.

Data origin: survey of data subjects, database of the National Fund; Austrian Pension Insurance Institution (PVA).

Automated decision-making: no automated procedure.

Transmission of data by email: data security between the individual receiving device and the National Fund server cannot be guaranteed. The National Fund has no influence on this part of the transmission path. The National Fund only uses its own servers, which adhere to the highest security standards.

Transmission of data by uploading on the website: The entry of first name, last name and date of birth on the website is used for identification purposes. At the time of submission, these and the uploaded data (the completed form) are transmitted in encrypted form from the individual browser via the National Fund's web server to the National Fund's internal system, where they are stored. The entire process complies with the highest security standards.

Payments in cases of special need

In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the National Fund is obliged to provide the following information about the handling of your personal data: Purpose of data processing: disbursement of a gesture payment; documentation and archiving purposes according to Art 5 (1) lit e of the GDPR.
Storage period: indefinite.
Legal basis: Council of Ministers Resolution MRV 70/15 of 20 September 2023 and Sec. 2 (2) in conjunction with Sec. 7a (2) of the Federal Law on the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism as amended (National Fund Law).
Data subject to processing: data provided in the questionnaire.
Data origin: survey of data subjects, database of the National Fund; Austrian Pension Insurance Institution (PVA).
Automated decision-making: no automated procedure.
Transmission of data by email: data security between the individual receiving device and the National Fund server cannot be guaranteed. The National Fund has no influence on this part of the transmission path. The National Fund only uses its own servers, which adhere to the highest security standards.

Subsidies for memorial servicemen and servicewomen

The personal details and documents provided by applicants in the electronic application form on the National Fund website are required by the Fund to process the applications and, in so doing, fulfil its mandate to provide subsidies to Holocaust memorial service members pursuant to Sec. 2 (4) item 1 of the National Fund Law in conjunction with Art. 9 (2) lit g of the GDPR and will only be used for this purpose. If this data is not provided, the application for support cannot be processed.

The report that must be submitted in accordance with Sec. 2 (5) of the National Fund Law upon completion of the Holocaust memorial service will be permanently stored for documentation and archiving purposes in accordance with Art. 5 (1) lit b and e of the GDPR.

The data categories full name, address, bank details, payment period and amount of support are passed on to the following third parties insofar as this is necessary for the disbursement of subsidy: the Federal Accounting Agency and banks for transfer purposes. Otherwise, data will only be forwarded to third parties if the National Fund is obliged to do so by law (e.g. as part of its disclosure obligation to auditors of the Court of Auditors) or by a court decision, or if the data subject has consented to this in individual cases.

The data and documents provided will be stored or deleted in accordance with the periods applicable to the storage of documents (deletion periods, archiving if applicable).

Automated decision-making does not take place.

Transfer of rights of use: By submitting an application for financial support, the memorial service participant grants the National Fund the exclusive right to use the report in whole or in part, without restriction in terms of time, place or content, for all types of use known in the current state of the art within the meaning of Secs 14-18a of the Austrian Copyright Act. Sec. 24c (1) of the Copyright Act shall not apply. The memorial service participant is permitted to utilise the report in all of the aforementioned ways with no restrictions on time or place.

The rights so granted to the National Fund also include the right to edit, translate and modify the report and its title in any conceivable way. In particular, it also includes the right to utilise parts of the report or the report as a whole incorporated into a collection.

Furthermore, the rights so granted include the right to authorise third parties to use the report in return for payment or free of charge to the extent described above.

The payment of the subsidy to the authorised extent is acquitted with the transfer of the rights of use.

Grave fee subsidies for survivors of National Socialism from the Roma and Romnja and Sinti and Sintizze communities

The personal details and documents provided by applicants in the electronic application form on the National Fund website are required by the Fund to process the applications and, in so doing, fulfil its mandate to provide grave fee subsidies for survivors of National Socialism from the Roma and Romnja and Sinti and Sintizze communities in accordance with Sec. 2 (4) item 2 of the National Fund Law in conjunction with Art. 9 (2) lit. g of the GDPR and will only be used for this purpose. If this data is not provided, the application for support cannot be processed.

The data categories full name, address, bank details, payment period and amount of support are passed on to the following third parties insofar as this is necessary for the disbursement of subsidy: the Federal Accounting Agency and banks for transfer purposes. Otherwise, data will only be forwarded to third parties if the National Fund is obliged to do so by law (e.g. as part of its disclosure obligation to auditors of the Court of Auditors) or by a court decision, or if the data subject has consented to this in individual cases.

The data and documents provided will be stored or deleted in accordance with the periods applicable to the storage of documents (deletion periods, archiving if applicable).

Historical records and data on individuals and burial sites are stored permanently.

Automated decision-making does not take place.

Contact form

Any information entered in the contact form when you submit an enquiry, including personal data, is stored by us for processing, follow-up questions and record-keeping purposes.

We process the following data: first and last name, e-mail address, subject and content of your request, title if applicable, telephone number and additional communication.

The legal bases for processing this data are: the performance of a contract or to take steps prior to entering into a contract (e.g. enquiries regarding funding), the performance of a task in the public interest (statutory tasks of the National Fund, data storage regulations) or our legitimate interest.

Data is stored in accordance with the time limits for data storage and deletion (or archiving if applicable).

The National Fund does not pass on your data to third parties unless obliged to do so by law or court ruling, or unless you give your consent in specific cases.


The lawfulness of the processing of your email address is based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1a) GDPR for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The data you provide will be used exclusively for the purpose of sending the newsletter. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


Our websites use cookies.

The optional cookies are used to create usage statistics at the National Fund and to display a map from Google Maps.

Usage statistics

We keep usage statistics based on data automatically sent by your browser when you visit one of our sites. In particular this is: the website you visited us from (for example the search engine), the pages of our site you have visited, the date and duration of your visit, information on the device you used (device type, operating system, screen resolution, language, country you are located in, and web browser type) you used during your visit and your anonymised IP address. No personal data will be collected.

The statistics are solely used to improve our website and to detect and prevent misuse. The usage data will not be handed to third party.

If you activate the "Do Not Track"-Settings of your browser no statistical data will be collected at all.


When publishing content from our website, the interests of third parties that merit protection are to be safeguarded, taking into account the Data Protection Act as amended.